Respect biodiversity
Ecological experts survey animal and plant species over a complete biological cycle. Particular attention is paid to protected species, birds and bats. The level of sensitivity defined by the study makes it possible to propose appropriate measures to avoid, reduce and compensate for impacts if necessary (reduction in the number of wind turbines, reforestation, carrying out the construction work outside nesting or breeding periods, development of protected areas, ecological monitoring, bridle systems, etc.).
Guarantee the safety and tranquility of the site's residents and users
The PNE Group has developed more than 2,200 MW and is widely recognized by its partners and customers for building facilities that strictly comply with current regulations and respect the host areas. The locations are determined in order to guarantee public safety and to preserve the living environment (distance to homes).
Seek the most appropriate landscape integration
Landscape experts identify heritage stakes (historical monuments, remarkable sites, landscape typologies). Photomontages support the cartographic studies to evaluate the visual effects and the insertion of the project in the landscape. The integration of a wind farm into the landscape environment is a determining factor in the social acceptability of the project. The final location of the wind turbines depends on the analysis of specialists but also on prior consultation with the actors of the territory.
Select the best equipment
WKN France works with all wind turbine manufacturers and selects the wind turbine best suited to the features of the site (topography, wind resource, distance to homes, acoustic measurements, etc.).
Promote local benefits
Beyond their local energy production, wind farms generate long-term revenues for local authorities (municipalities, communities of municipalities, departments, regions) and contribute to the emergence of equipment or services that meet the expectations of populations and enhance the attractiveness of the area. They also generate income for landowners and farmers. At each stage of the project, we strive to involve local and regional businesses, thus contributing to economic activity and the creation of local jobs.
Establish pedagogy and dialogue
The WKN France project manager develops a project by listening to the elected representatives and local stakeholders. The aim is to openly debate the questions raised, to guarantee an equal level of information between all the stakeholders concerned and thus to initiate a collective dynamic around a local project. The communication and the diffusion of information on the project are chosen and developed in consultation with the local authorities and adapted to each site: writing articles and newsletters, creating web pages, organizing information meetings and monitoring committees (elected representatives, associations, residents, administrations), etc.
Our relations with our partners and stakeholders are governed by our moral values. In his or her daily work, each employee is the ambassador of our collective identity: