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Press releases and news from WKN France

WKN France supports social organizations and caregivers during the coronavirus crisis

WKN France participates to the collective effort to help the needy and the medical professionals.

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Success for two 100% local crowdlending campaigns

At the end of 2019 and beginning of 2020, WKN France organised, with its partner Lendosphere, two crowdlending operations for the residents of the Pierre-Morains and Saint-Palais-de-Négrignac wind farm projects.

The aim of both initiatives was to…

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The Northeast Agency is getting a new look!

Following the move of the Nantes offices last July, the Nancy offices have in their turn benefited from a complete makeover. Space reorganisation, modern furnishings and renovations have brought a breath of fresh air to the Nancy office, whose team…

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Visit to the Longèves wind farm

Because they will inherit our past and present choices, and tomorrow build the future, the WKN France team is proud to contribute each year to educate the younger generations about renewable energies and energy transition! On November 18th, our team…

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WKN France's head office is moving!

In order to welcome the Nantes’ employees in the best conditions in a context of team development, the head office of WKN France has taken up its new quarters in the city centre, a stone's throw from Chantiers Navals and across from the Machines de…

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WKN France, once again partner of the Marais-Poitevin regional park

WKN France wished to renew for the period 2019 - 2021 its partnership with the Marais-Poitevin regional park in the framework of the actions carried out by the park, the LPO and the Marais-Poitevin Observatory for the protection of the Montagu's…

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The Useroles wind farm is in operation!

After 10 years of studies, consultation, administrative procedures and then a few months of work, the Useroles wind farm, located in the municipalities of Poiseul-la-Ville-et-Laperrière and Billy-lès-Chanceaux in Côte d'Or, now produces clean energy…

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WKN France, winner of the Vestas Lego Challenge!

On Wednesday, Vestas announced the winners of this winter's Vestas challenge: build the Lego Vestas motorised wind turbine as quickly as possible as a team and submit a performance video. The French team is proud to have won this challenge on behalf…

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