WKN France sponsors a beekeeper and helps with the preservation of bees.

WKN France supports Un Toit Pour Les Abeilles, a network of nearly a hundred beekeepers who campaign for artisanal, local and respectful beekeeping

Through this partnership, the company has been sponsoring one of the beekeeper Patrice A. ’s hives in Gironde for several years to preserve bees and promote the preservation of biodiversity. Every year, WKN France receives a portion of the honey production from the supported hive and shares these delicious pots with its interlocutors.

Every year, WKN France renews its commitment to this network, because in recent years, the bee population has been declining sharply, with a total disappearance in some areas. The disappearance of the bee would be a real catastrophe for nature and human beings. It is known that 80% of crops are dependent on pollinating insects.
To support beekeepers and their bees: www. untoitpourlesabeilles. fr/

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